Ranger: Sharpshooters who shoot to kill. A ranger can render an opponent useless with his shots,
traps, and tactics. Rangers are able to use pets in combat, and can wield guns and bows.
Role: Damage
Aimed shot You take aim carefully, launching a precise shot. Deals 120% ranged damage. 1 second
Spread Shot You launch a spread of projectiles in a cone in front of you, dealing 60% ranged damage
to all enemies. 1.5 second cast.
Bear Trap You place a bear trap on the ground, stunning any enemy who steps on it for 3 seconds, and
dealing 130% ranged damage over 8 seconds.
Heavy Artillery You use a powerful shot dealing 50% ranged damage, pushing your target back 6 yards
and stunning them for 1 second. 2 second cast.
Rapid Fire You unleash a flurry of shots at your target, increasing your auto attack speed by 30%
for 10 seconds.